FCL “Rules at a Glance”
FCL “Rules at a Glance”
Stick & Knife Fighting Point Fighting Rules
(No Warnings – All Fouls are One Point)
Two Minutes running time. Competitor with the most points at the end of Two Minutes, is declared the Winner.
Legal Targets:
The Entire Body – Head, Arms, Legs, Torso, Hands, and Foot Note: Parrying your opponents Stick away with your Free Hand is Legal. If a competitor falls to the ground the action can continue for three seconds allowing either competitor to score.
Illegal Targets:
No direct contact to the Front of the Neck, No striking to the Groin or Spine, No Thrusting techniques to the Face or Head.
Illegal Techniques:
No Open Hand techniques, No Punches Allowed, No Kicking, No Grappling techniques.
No use of Punyo or Butt End of the Stick, No Grabbing. All OF THESE ARE ILLEGAL TECHNIQUES.
One Point– Arms, Legs, Torso, Hand, and Foot
Note: The Competitor who drops his or her Stick deemed by the Center Judge or by majority of Referees receives One Point:
Two Points – Head Strikes Note: The Competitor who disarms his or her Opponent deemed by the Center Judge or by the majority of Referees receives Two Points.
Legal Scoring Techniques:
Striking with padded end of the Stick, Striking with ONLY One Hand on the Stick, Thrusting techniques to the Body ONLY. Solid Striking or Thrusting techniques should be Scored, Glancing blows “Nicks” are up to the discretion of the Referees.
Stick Size:
Youth Divisions – 10 & Under – “Short Stick” – Up to 24 inches,
Junior & Adult Divisions – “Long Stick” – Up to 28 inches.
Currently, the ONLY Approved Sticks for FCL Competition are “Action Flex” Sticks.
Any Questions Please Contact: Datu Tim Hartman
All competitors must have proof of age available at each and every competition. The age of a competitor as of January 1 is the legal age for that current competition year for every competitor. The only exceptions to this ruling are the 30+, 40+ and 50+ competitor are allowed to compete in all age brackets under this rule. Documents that are acceptable are as follows (copy of birth certificate, Driver license, Passport, and any photo ID with DOB). If a competitor or parent can’t produce necessary documentation they will be fined $25 to which is to be paid immediately to the arbitrator after each protest.
A Competitor must compete at their current belt rank in every division they participate in. A competitor is not allowed to compete in a division they have not received rank. The only exception is under belts under the age of 17 yrs old may compete in Black Belt Sparring divisions only if they are an Intermediate or Advanced rank.
General Forms Rules
All rings will have three (3) Judges – One (1) Center Referee and two (2) Corner Judges. The age requirement of judges must be 18 and over. The exception is a Junior Black Belt (15-17) can be used in children’s under belt division if the Arbitrator deems them qualified to do so at the request of the center referee.
A judge can be removed or replaces by the Center Referee, Chief Referee, or Arbitrator if he/she has an affiliate in any match at any time, demonstrates poor judgement or favoritism to any player or team.
Sequence of Play:
Sequence of Players will be determined by 3 random shuffles of the Uventex Software or by drawing chips. If chips are used the order will be determined by lowest number performing first and highest number performing last.
Time Limit:
Each performance will be allowed up to 3 minutes from the time the player enters the ring or begins speaking. Time ends when the competitor bows at the completion of their form. Overtime is 0.05 deduction for every 10 secs or part of
Scoring: Scoring will the total score of 3 judges. Black Belt scoring range will be 9.90 to 10.0.
If there is a tie in the division the following rules will apply:
1st – The Scorekeeper will attempt to break all ties by ordinance.
2nd – If the tie is between two players the judges may choose to use the scoring range or stand and use a show of hands to determine the winner. Each competitor must redraw a chip to determine sequence of play.
3rd – If there are more than two players tied, all ties must be rerun using the scoring range. Each competitor must redraw a chip to determine sequence of play.
Black Belt Competitors – NO Restarts in any division Under Belt Competitors – One (1) Restart allowed with NO Deduction
Description: Competitors in all traditional divisions must perform a form that captures the essence of classic martial arts movements, displaying the traditional techniques, stances, footwork with a weapon. Emphasis is placed on execution of the weapon, application of technique, balance, speed, power, solid stances, and focus. Forms that deviate from this structure may result in a deduction in score or a “no score”.
Point Sparring
All rings will have three (3) Judges – One (1) Center Referee and two (2) Corner Judges. The age requirement of judges must be 18 and over. The exception is a Junior Black Belt (15-17) can be used in children’s under belt division if the Arbitrator deems them qualified to do so at the request of the center referee.
A judge can be removed or replaces by the Center Referee, Chief Referee, or Arbitrator if he/she has an affiliate in any match at any time, demonstrates poor judgement or favoritism to any player or team.
A player must wear appropriate school uniform. No shoes or Ringstars.
At no time will jewelry be allowed to be worn by any player and if found on the player it must be removed immediately or subject to disqualification by the Arbitrator.
The penalty for any of these infractions with the uniform will result in a (5) minute opportunity to change or a disqualification by the Arbitrator.
Safety Equipment:
The following are required for all competitors:
Head Gear – It is the player responsibility to wear gear suitable for proper hearing of judge’s calls and announcements. Face Protection Gear (Face Mask) are allowed and if worn must be attached to the helmet.
Hand Gear – Sport Karate Hand Gear is required at all times and must cover all finger tips and cannot have any repair or tape on gear causing damage to other players.
Foot Gear – Sport Karate Foot Gear is required at all times and must cover all toes and cannot have any repair or tape on gear causing damage to other players.
Mouth Piece at all times in every age bracket and every division.
Male fighters must wear Groin Cups under their uniform at all times in every Continuous, Point, and Team Sparring related divisions.
Female fighters may wear chest protectors or body shields under or over their uniform for their safety.
Optional Equipment that can be worn are chest protectors, leg/arm pads and/or elbow/knee pads.
If a player is wearing a groin cup outside their uniform they will be given five (5) minutes to change it under the uniform or if not changed in the time limit be disqualified by the Center Referee.
At any time a player enters a ring or is in the middle of a match and is spotted without proper safety equipment they will have five (5) minutes to change it or will be disqualified by the Center Referee.
All Byes are randomly selected and supersede all player sequencing. All Byes will be determined by the Uventex Software or by drawing chips with the highest numbers receiving the Byes.
Sequence of Play:
All Byes will be chosen in the first round by using a normal bye chart. All byes will be determined before any pairing is finalized. In the first round fighters from the same Country, State, and same School location will not be paired unless unavoidable. In any round there after no fighter from the same Country, State, and same School location will not be paired against each other if there is someone else them to be paired against. The only time this is allowed is if there is double elimination and all players have been paired against everyone at least once. All pairs all based on luck of the draw in every round.
Time Limit:
The time limit per match for Black Belts will be (2) two minutes time.
The time limit per match for Under Belts will be (2) two minutes time.
The center referee is the only person who can stop the clock or add time to the clock. Center referee is the only person who can adjust the time for any reason during a match. The center referee can call the end to a match once time as expired. If for any reason such as an arbitration, stop in action, equipment adjustment and the clock does not stop the center referee may request time be placed back on the clock for fair play.
Time Limit between
Each player will be given a break time of (2) two minutes between consecutive matches if he/she is the player competing at that moment.
Matches: place 2 minutes on the clock immediately once player pairing is determined.
Time Out:
Every fighter will have the opportunity to have one (1) coach at ring side during each match. Each fighter or coach is allowed (1) ten second timeout per match which can only be called during a break in the action. A player or coach can ask the center referee or a corner judge for time out during any match.
All coaches must remain in the coaches box at all times and must have a coaches pass.
Points to Win:
Total points after allotted time has expired or a 10 point spread.
1 point will be awarded for all hand techniques and all body kicks.
2 points will be awarded for all head kicks.
Scoring Area: Legal Scoring Areas are: Head, Stomach, Ribs, Chest,
Illegal Scoring Areas are:
Groin, Eyes, Back, Shoulders, Throat, Arms, Elbows, Hips, Buttocks, Knees, Legs, and Feet.
A player striking to an illegal scoring area will have one (1) penalty point awarded to his/her opponent by the Center Referee or by a majority vote of all the officials. If a player is found guilty of malicious intent by the Center Referee or by a majority vote of all the officials, will result in the disqualification from that match and may incur future sanctions.
Legal Techniques:
Techniques that are allowed are kicks, punches, spinning kicks, aerial kicks, back fist, ridge hands.
Ground Fighting:
IS NOT Permitted
Downed Opponent:
A player is considered down by contact when any part other than hands or feet are touching the ground [knee, elbow, hip, or backside etc.] after making contact with their opponent. The match is immediately stopped and No Penalty is awarded
Out of Bounds:
Out of bounds is when any part of your body touches outside of the boundary line. No points can be scored out of bounds, if the player is performing a jump kick he/she must land in the ring to score a point.
Fighting Out vs Forced Out:
If a player is fighting and is forced out of the ring during an exchange in the action they will not be penalized. A player running or avoiding the fight to prevent from being scored on will be subject to a penalty point awarded to his/her opponent.
A Center Referee has the discretion to award one (1) penalty point to the opponent for running or avoiding the fight.
Hitting after the Break:
Any player found guilty of hitting after the Center Referee calls “stop” or “break” in the action will have a penalty point award to his/hers opponent for each offense or occurrence or be disqualified be the Center Referee or by majority vote of all the officials.
Falling Down:
A player is considered “fallen” down if they “intentionally” fall to the ground on their own with or without contact. 1-point penalty by majority of judges discretion
Illegal Techniques:
Techniques that are NOT allowed are swinging or wild punches (haymakers), strikes to the groin or throat, uncontrolled, excessive or malicious contact to any area, intentional striking to non-scoring areas (spine, joints, legs etc.), and late hits.
Types of Contact:
CONTROLED: No touch/pulled (Halo)
LIGHT: Touch
MODERATE: Slight penetration/still controlled technique
UNCONTROLLED: Lack of control or safety for opponent (majority judges discretion)
EXCESSIVE: Extreme penetration, possible swelling, bleeding or redness (majority judges discretion)
MALCIOUS: Intentional excessive contact: Automatic Disqualification (DQ) (majority judges discretion)
One (1) penalty point may granted to a player’s opponent for committing any of the following infractions: excessive contact, illegal contact, illegal techniques and contact to non-scoring areas, hitting after call to stop, intentional running out of bounds to avoid the fight, dropping to the ground to avoid fighting without throwing a technique, unsportsmanlike conduct and coaches calling points and/or signaling points so as to confuse the Judges during scoring.
Disqualification (DQ)- is based on the majority vote of the judges (or if the arbitrator is ringside and witnesses the infraction). Malicious contact is automatic disqualification. Incidental excessive contact, accidental contact and/or self-inflicted injuries that may cause swelling or draw blood are subject to discretion of the arbitrator after consultation with judges. Medical staff has the final say if a competitor can continue or not.
INJURY- If a player is unable to continue on his own accord or is advised by medical staff to bow out due to incidental contact, accidental contact or self-inflicted injury then his opponent will advance. Players will not advance if they intentionally injure their opponent or use malicious contact.
Coaching is allowed from coaches’ box or designated area. Coaches must wear and have visible an official coaches pass. Coaches in coaches’ boxes cannot call or physically signal points for their player during a break for a call in scoring so as to confuse Judges calls for points. Coaches can enter/exit coaches’ box at any time during the match, but only one coach can be in the box or within 3’ of the box at any time.
A Center Referee has the discretion to award one (1) penalty point to the opponent for each coaching infraction.